'90 Day Fiancé': Varya Declares 'War' With Geoffrey's On-Again, Off-Again Girlfriend Mary

Varya and Geoffrey

The love triangle between Varya, Geoffrey and his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Mary, continues.

The love triangle between Varya, Geoffrey and his on-again, off-again girlfriend, Mary, continued on Sunday's episode of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days.

Last week's episode ended on a cliffhanger, when 30-year-old Varya traveled all the way from Russia to Knoxville, Tennessee, to surprise 41-year-old Geoffrey after she initially rejected his proposal -- without knowing he had decided to give his relationship with his ex, Mary, another shot. Varya said she regretted saying no to Geoffrey's proposal and was upset that he was no longer answering her messages. She showed up at his doorstep and in one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the season, came face to face with Mary, who happened to be at Geoffrey's house when she surprised him.

On Sunday's episode, Varya got into an intense shouting match with Mary, after a stunned Mary asked what she was doing there. Varya repeatedly said she didn't need to answer to Mary.

"I don't talk to you!" she screamed. "She irritates me just being here."

Even after Geoffrey explained that Mary was totally innocent in the situation since he told her it was completely over between the two of them, Varya would not let go of her anger toward Mary.

"Move, b**ch," she also told Mary at one point. "Get out of the way. My place is here."

"I know you are wrong," she continued. "Leave your panties there."

Mary eventually left Geoffrey's house and was disappointed that he didn't stand up to her.

"It's embarrassing, I feel like a fool," Mary told cameras, breaking down in tears. "It's not fair."

Following Mary's departure, Varya told Geoffrey that she came to Tennessee to win him back and was upset that he didn't tell her he had moved on. Geoffrey said that him not answering her messages should have been a hint, but was still willing to spend time with her during her two-week stay in America.

Later, Geoffrey took Varya on an outing with his friends that he was supposed to go on with Mary. His friends were shocked to see Varya to say the least, and his good friend, Mark, summed up Geoffrey's situation best. Mark told TLC cameras that Geoffrey likes "new and shiny things," but Mary had been there for him for so long and he needed to make a decision.

While it's clear that Geoffrey's friends are Team Mary and noted how heartbroken he was when he got back from Russia after Varya rejected his proposal, Varya also pointed out to them that it wasn't normal for Geoffrey to propose to her then immediately move on with Mary.

"I'm not gonna surrender," Varya noted to TLC cameras. "I'm not gonna give him to her. I love him and I will try my best to get him back."

And in yet another shocking turn of events, Mary ended up showing up to the group outing, making the situation truly uncomfortable for everyone.

Another one of Geoffrey's friends, Jake, expressed what pretty much all 90 Day Fiancé fans were thinking with a hilariously shocked expression.

"Oh wow," Jake marveled at Mary's arrival. "Oh my god."

Meanwhile, Varya noted, "I can't believe this girl is here. She doesn't want to let him go. That irritates me. She wants a war, she will get a war."

In a preview of next week's episode, Mary and Varya continue to bump heads.

"Why the f**k are you here?" Mary is shown telling Varya, who in turn tells her to "just stay away."

For more on this season of 90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days, watch the video below.