'90 Day Fiancé': Jenny Has a Shocking Emotional Breakthrough With Sumit's Mom

It's the moment '90 Day Fiancé' fans have been waiting for -- Sumit's mom appears to finally accept her son's relationship with Jenny.

It's the moment 90 Day Fiancé fans have been waiting for -- Sumit's mom, Sadhna, appeared to finally accept her son's relationship with Jenny thanks to some blunt words from her astrologer on Sunday's episode of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way.

Sumit's parents, Sadhna and Anil, have strongly disapproved of their son's relationship with Jenny due to their 29-year age difference. In the past, Sadhna has threatened suicide if Sumit marries Jenny and has also said that they won't accept her in any of their family celebrations. But on Sunday's episode, the four met with the family's longtime astrologer -- whom Anil noted has never been wrong in the past -- and he surprisingly told Sadhna that she needed to leave Sumit and Jenny alone.

"Is it their marriage or your marriage?" he asked her. "It's not yours, right? The point is, you're not the one getting married, so you have nothing to do with this. ... If you meddle in their relationship, then they'll view you as the enemy. What kind of mother are you? Are you a selfish mother? It seems like it to me. Let him go."

Sadhna wiped away tears and seemed to have a stunning change of heart.

Sumit noted, "This is the first time ever that someone is looking into my parents' face, in their eyes, and telling them what is right for everyone. I know my mom, for her, things take time. ... But at least there's hope and there's a way."

Later, Jenny had a meeting with Sadhna and Anil, and Sadhna said that the astrologer made her realize a lot of things.

"I want to say that you are a very good-natured person," Sadhna told Jenny. "So fine, whatever God has written will happen. We think we should maintain the love between us. Jenny, we will love you. We will love you a lot."

"See, I can change for my son," she added.

Jenny was overwhelmed at the stunning change of heart and jumped up and gave Sadhna a big hug.

"It really hurt my self-esteem hearing all the horrible things that Sumit's mom was saying about me all of these years," she tearfully told cameras. "And now, here we are. And she's telling me she loves me. And I was just like, 'Oh my god.' It's just, I never thought I would hear it. So, this is a dream, like, this is my dream. I can't even believe this is happening."

She also told Sumit's parents, "You guys have made me so happy today. I'm just so happy. I'm in shock. Thank you so much for finally just accepting us and understanding that we love each other. We just do."

However, Sadhna and Anil stopped short of giving Sumit and Jenny their blessings to get married. When Jenny asked if she had their blessing to marry, Sadhna replied, "We'll see," and Anil said they weren't going to stop them, but they weren't going to support them either.

"The astrologer told me, 'If you push him too much to leave then he won't leave her at all.' So, I decided to let him be," Sadhna told cameras, while Anil interjected, "Everyone's hope  -- mine, my family's, my ancestors' -- everyone thinks that this relationship should end."

And once Jenny made peace with Sumit's parents, it was Sumit who was hesitant to marry Jenny. Jenny said that she was ready to get married as soon as possible, but he said that he was unsure.

"Things are happening very fast," he admitted to cameras, sharing that he was now nervous. "I never even thought my parents will agree on that, so, it's happening, and you can say that I didn't plan for the next step."

Meanwhile, Jenny told cameras, "There's nothing stopping us. There's no more obstacles. There's nothing in our way now. So, if he stops this time and says whatever his reason is, then I'll know that he doesn't really want to marry me."

ET spoke with Sumit and Jenny ahead of this season of 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way, and Jenny said she was completely devoted to Sumit -- whether or not he was going to marry her.

"I'm not going anywhere," she said. "I'm here with Sumit whether he marries me or not. I've been with him for nine years already, I'm not going anywhere. We love each other and, you know, we'll be together whatever way it has to be. I'll be with him."

"The only dealbreaker would be if he told me, 'I'm sorry, I will never, ever marry you, you should probably just go back to America and I'm just going to stay with my parents,'" she added. "Maybe if he said something like that to me, then yeah, of course then I would leave."