EXCLUSIVE: 8 Things to Expect From 'The Bachelorette' This Season -- Straight From JoJo Fletcher Herself!

Get ready for the "weirdest" Bachelorette yet!

JoJo Fletcher is ready to find her man!

Season 12 of The Bachelorette kicks off tonight at 9 p.m. ET/PT, which means we're about to embark on another three-month journey of extravagant dates, swoon-worthy kisses and jaw-dropping watercooler moments.

Before we tune into what is sure to be the most dramatic season of The Bachelorette yet (at least, that's what Chris Harrison would say!) let's get the scoop straight from JoJo herself. ET's Lauren Zima caught up with the leading lady at the beginning of her reality TV adventure to find out eight things to expect from this season of The Bachelorette


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1. JoJo Won't Drop the L-Bomb Lightly: Unlike Ben Higgins' "I love you" spree, JoJo will be much more cautious when it comes to that four-letter word. "I think it is definitely possible to love people in different ways, but I think I will be very careful to say that to more than one person," she said. "If I am feeling it, I will say it, but I will be very careful about that because I know what that felt like and I know that sense of that hope that it gave me. I just wouldn't want to hurt somebody in that way, but if I felt it I would probably just go with my feelings and say it."

2. She Won't Tolerate Cocky Behavior: When we asked JoJo what her biggest dating deal-breaker is, the 25-year-old was quick to respond: "Someone who is just arrogant and thinks that they know everything and they are so cool -- I can't deal with that," she stressed. "I don't like people who are just mean."

3. Former Bachelor Jake Pavelka Will Be Involved: Get ready for a blast from reality TV's past. Jake Pavelka, who appeared in season five of The Bachelorette and season 14 of The Bachelor, will be stopping by JoJo's journey. "My oldest brother grew up with Jake, so they are really good friends," JoJo dished. "I had a conversation with Jake not too long ago and he has been really supportive and this was something that he did. He found someone that he loved, it didn't work out, but he has been really supportive through the whole thing."

4. Her Family Will Have a Lot to Say:
"After [Ben and I broke up] I went home and I spent a lot of time with my friends and my family," she revealed. "They support me in whatever I do and they really try to let me make my own decisions, but they will probably have opinions! But I value those opinions and I want to know what they think." But if you're wondering if JoJo's mom will whip out the bottle of champagne again -- think again! "She didn't even know she was doing it," JoJo exclaimed of her hometown date with Ben. "What’s funny, my mom doesn't even drink! That is how stressed out she was."

WATCH: 'Bachelorette' JoJo Fletcher Reveals What She Wants in a Man


5. She'll Be Very Picky: "I have a whole list of things that I want, but honestly, I just want someone who is genuine and makes me laugh and is my best friend," the brunette beauty confessed. "Ultimately, at the end of the day, just someone who is going to love me as a much as I love them, and somebody I can spend every day with and never get tired of." JoJo added that if her leading man is "family-oriented, successful and smart" that would just be icing on the Bachelorette cake.

6. Former Bachelorettes Will Be Her Mentors: Much like with Ben Higgins' season, JoJo will receive advice from the Bachelorettes of the past on how to navigate this intense quest for love. "I am going to have a few chats with them before the season starts," she explained. "I think the main thing is just to follow my heart and my gut and to be very open with my feelings, and to just trust the process."

7. JoJo's Faith Will Influence Her Decisions: "Faith is definitely important to me," she said. "I want someone that I am with to believe in those things as well. I would never push my religion on anyone, but it is important to me."

8. She'll Be a "Little Weird": "I am just really trying to stay myself throughout this whole thing," JoJo said candidly. "I am a little weird sometimes and I sometimes don't have a filter on what I am thinking and I just really want to stay myself throughout this whole thing. I want whoever I pick to know me for exactly who I am."

The Bachelorette premieres tonight at 9 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.