WARNING: If you have not watched this week's game changing episode of 'GoT', leave now and avoid talking to absolutely everyone!
WARNING: If you have not watched this week's game changing episode of Game of Thrones, leave now and avoid talking to absolutely everyone! For everyone else, let's start freaking out in three… two… one…
Holy $#-t -- he's baack!
Game of Thrones delivered a truly shocking ending in this Sunday's all-new episode when Westeros' favorite sorceress, Melisandre, brought Jon Snow back from the dead in a heart pounding and magical twist.
After Ser Davos begged the Red Woman to work her witchy powers on Jon's lifeless body, Melisandre reluctantly performed the resurrection ritual. Initially, it looked as if the ceremony was a miserable failure, but in the final seconds of the drama, Jon Snow's eyes snapped open and he took three very panicked (and very alive!) breaths before the episode cut to the credits.

WATCH: 'Game of Thrones' Stars Fess Up: Is Jon Snow Actually Dead? Nope!
By a show of hands, who here is currently bragging to [insert your co-worker, friend, mother, etc. here] and saying, "Dude. I totally called it!" with a smug look on your face?
(P.S. We totally called it too!)
So what does Jon Snow himself have to say about Sunday's shocking twist? “Sorry!”
In an interview with EW, Kit Harington had a confession to make: “I’d like to say sorry for lying to everyone," he said.
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To be fair, Harington technically never lied. (Sure, you can boo and hiss all you want, but it's true!)
Jon Snow was stabbed to death by numerous Night's Watch traitors in the season five finale, and he did breathe his final breath out in the snow on the Castle Black grounds.

The latest chapter on Game of Thrones only proves that Jon Snow's body has been given a second chance. As of now, there's no word on if Snow's soul and/or same personality will be returning as well. (Who else is hoping that we might be able to finally live out our Lady Stoneheart fantasies through Jon's resurrection?!)
Despite all of the outrage Jon Snow's "death" sparked within the GoT fandom, the 29-year-old actor is grateful that the storyline created such a polarizing response.
"I’m glad that people were upset that he died," Harrington confessed. "I think my biggest fear was that people were not going to care. Or it would just be, ‘Fine, Jon Snow’s dead.’ But it seems like people had a, similar to the Red Wedding episode, kind of grief about it. Which means something I’m doing -- or the show is doing -- is right."
Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET/PT on HBO.