2015 was a huge year for small screen hook-ups, so we're ranking the hottest, steamiest, and sexiest TV couples of the year!
2015 was a huge year for small screen hookups!
From coy first-times, to spontaneous connections, and longtime lovers, our cheeks are still burning from all the on-screen eye candy. To help you relive all of 2015's best romances, we took on the painstaking task of sorting through 16 of TV's most attractive couples -- yes, they had to be an actual couple to make it onto our list! -- and we ranked them on a scale from "sweet and swoon worthy" to "Holy crap, I can't catch my breath!" (Umm... can you believe we got paid to do this?)
Press play on our video above for a deeper peek at our top six couples, and then scroll through our (slightly NSFW!) GIF wonderland below to see which two couples nearly tied for the title of TV's Sexiest Couple. We're serious, y'all -- it was a super close one this year thanks to all these red-hot pairings...
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16. Sheldon Cooper and Amy Farrah Fowler, The Big Bang Theory

It was a huge year for Shamy -- filled with break-ups, make-ups and their first time having "coitus". (Luckily, that huge moment was completely worth the wait!)
15. Michael Cordero and Jane Villanueva, Jane the Virgin
Even in a (fake!) snowstorm, Jane and Michael sure know how to turn up the heat. Sorry, Rafael, but we're #TeamMichael after this kiss.
14. Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson, Glee
Ever since "Teenage Dream," this steamy twosome has always been one of TV's best couples. We miss you, Klaine!
13. Robin Hood and Regina Mills, Once Upon a Time
Fingers crossed this sexy couple will end up happily ever after.
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12. Caleb Rivers and Hanna Marin, Pretty Little Liars
No matter what romance switch-ups are ahead in Pretty Little Liars' five-year time jump, there's no denying that Haleb was a picture perfect couple in 2015.
11. Stefan Salvatore and Caroline Forbes, The Vampire Diaries
From a super sweet friendship to a red-hot romance -- Steroline certainly stepped up their game, and we love them for it.
10. Patrick Murray and Kevin Matheson, Looking
We just can't stop looking at this uber attractive duo! (Ugh, we know that pun was bad. We're just too distracted by their kiss to care.)
9. Clarke Griffin and Lexa, The 100
We'd gladly let Clexa rule our post-apocalyptic Earth if it means this sexy power couple would be our leaders.
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8. Donovan and The Countess, American Horror Story: Hotel
A bloody foursome with Matt Bomer? Enough said.
7. Brittany S. Pierce and Santana Lopez, Glee
Did you know that ETonline was on set for Glee's double gay wedding? We even managed to remember 14 behind-the-scenes secrets when we weren't too busy swooning over Brittana...
6. Killian Jones and Emma Swan, Once Upon a Time
Words cannot describe how much we're hooked on this couple. Fingers crossed 2016 will bring CaptainSwan fans that coveted True Love's Kiss that the Once Upon a Time showrunners hinted at.
5. Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, Jessica Jones
What do you get when you mix two ridiculously attractive people with superhuman strength? Netflix's sexiest new couple!
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4. Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, The Vampire Diaries
Even though we're still sobbing over Damon and Elena's perfect goodbye, this couple never failed to make our hearts race.
3. Connor Walsh and Oliver Hampton, How to Get Away With Murder
We really don't need to explain this one. Just... damn!
*WRITER'S NOTE: Having to rank these last two couples was the most heart-pounding, hair-pulling, and anxiety-inducing decision we've had to make all year. (No, we're not kidding -- we take TV romances very seriously!) The difference between these two undeniably sexy pairings was razor-thin, so -- without further ado -- here are your top two TV couples of 2015...
2. Jamie Fraser and Claire Fraser, Outlander
Thanks to their timeless love, breathtaking chemistry, and blush-inducing sex scenes, we're looking forward to many, many more seasons with this Sassenach and Scotlander!
1. Oliver Queen and Felicity Smoak, Arrow

After three years of wishing, hoping, and praying for Olicity to finally dive into a full-fledged relationship, 2015 finally granted our ultimate TV wish! (So now we're looking at you, Arrow writers -- you'd better let Felicity be okay after that gut-wrenching winter finale, or else we're coming after you.)
Which sexy TV couple would you put at the top of your list? Share you thoughts with @LeanneAguilera on Twitter and for even more Best of 2015 content, keep it locked to ETonline.com!
Need even more Olicity in your life? Press play on our video below to watch Arrow star Emily Bett Rickards dish on Oliver and Felicity's engagement ring!