Kate Gosselin Reveals The Secret Of Keeping Her 8 Kids In Line At Home


How does a single mom with eight kids manage to keep them in line? Check out this clip to find out.

They're back! Kate Gosselin and her adorable kids return for two-part Kate Plus Eight special, where the family shows what life is like in the Gosselin household since the cameras stopped rolling.

So what have you missed since the last time Kate Plus Eight was on the air?

RELATED: Kate Gosselin & 8 Kids Are Returning to TV

"A lot has changed since you last have been here," Kate told the TLC cameras. "We've all been through a lot, we've learned what's important. I'm getting older, tireder, more worn-out. The kids are getting older and smarter, and giving me a run for my money."

So how does Kate keep order around the house when she's in charge of so many kids? She lays down the law.

"I got those girls cellphones and iPads so that I could take them away," Kate says with a smile. "And I've learned I'm not the only parent of teens who has discovered that little gem."

Check back in with Kate and her kids in this two-part special airing June 19 and 20 at 10/9c on TLC.