Rob Schneider's Wife Conceived Premise of 'Rob'
After the premiere of his new sitcom Rob stunned by attracting a whopping 13.5 million viewers, Rob Schneider sat down with ET alongside co-star Claudia Bassols to discuss the show as well as its parallel relation with his life.
"(My wife) said, 'You should do a TV show where you have a Mexican wife—the in-laws don't like you like my family doesn't like you. It's perfect, you know?'" Schneider said of the show's inception in an imitative voice.
When asked how similar his life in the show is to his actual life, Schneider admitted, "Not that close, but it's a lot of fun."
Claudia Bassols, who plays Maggie in the show, accredited part of the show's success to the live audience.
"It's incredible. You get that energy from (the audience). We have had the best audiences," Bassols said.
Rob, which earned the best numbers in its time slot for CBS since May 2010, airs on Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. on CBS.