Olivia Munn Reveals How Much Weight She Lost on 'X-Men' Diet, Details 'Empowering' On-Set Injuries

The 'X-Men: Apocalypse' star also opened up to Women's Health about public scrutiny over her looks.

Olivia Munn got into the best shape of her life for X-Men: Apocalypse, and now she's revealing exactly how many pounds she dropped in the process.

The 35-year-old actress flaunts her fit physique on the cover of Women's Health and says that while she worked out and tried to eat healthy before the movie, it was nothing compared to the fitness and diet regimen required to play the mutant, Psylocke.

"By the time I was finished I was 12 pounds less than I started!" Munn reveals. "That was unintentional...But it's a big difference, because I started working out every single day, and then I also started getting into eating 20-80, where 80 percent of your diet is fruits and vegetables and 20 percent is whatever. So, that could be any kind of meats, breads or anything else, but mostly fruits and vegetables."

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Women's Health

The latest X-Men installment has since wrapped -- it hits theaters on May 27 -- but Munn says continuing to eat organically has "been a big part of feeling healthy, feeling fit, feeling clear."

"Knowing you're putting only clean foods in your body, that’s been a really important thing for me," she explains. "I started making my own almond milk!"

As for the extensive training, it not only prepared Munn to look good in purple spandex, but also helped her do many of her own stunts in the film. Though the Ride Along 2 star has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, she still found herself injured on-set.

"I didn’t anticipate how sore I would be," she recalls. "I pulled both hamstrings on one leg. I gave myself multiple whiplashes just doing the stunts and the wire training. The wire training, that was probably the most difficult just because there's a lot of spinning and it takes a toll on you."

"But getting back into Tae Kwon Do was really fun and actually really empowering, and I didn’t realize how much I'd missed it," Munn continues. "Learning how to fight with a sword was really empowering. That was a really cool feeling."

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Women's Health

Munn also opens up to the magazine about public scrutiny over her looks -- she previously shut down rumors that she had plastic surgery and claimed makeup and Japanese potatoes were the reasons her face sometimes looked different.

"My intention was to just get as fit and as healthy as I could be, for myself. And when I started looking in the mirror or looking at pictures and you start to see things that happen from aging like, 'Oh, I'm getting these lines around my neck,' or 'What are these sunspots on my face? What are these dark spots on my face? I used to have freckles, but now I have these massive spots,'" she explains, revealing she started to do research on natural ways to "turn back the hands of time."

"People want to say things and it's funny," Munn adds. "My girlfriend, she said to me the other day, 'If people are wondering why you look younger, it's better than them asking why you look older.'"

In the end, she has quite the #girlpower reason for not hoarding her beauty secrets. "Whenever I learn things now, I want to tell my friends about them and tell anyone who wants to listen," Munn concludes. "Because I don't think guys are the only ones who should be able to look better as they age."

Munn gets lethal as Psylocke in an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at X-Men: Apocalypse. Check it out in the video below!