Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wiig suit up in the first preview for the sci-fi comedy.
Something strange is coming to the neighborhood.
By "something strange" we mean TOTALLY AMAZING and by "the neighborhood" we mean your local movie theater. The first trailer for the Ghostbusters reboot is out and it’s looking just as hilariously badass as we expected.
Let’s break it down, shall we?

Even with just a single line in the trailer, we already know Kate McKinnon's Holtzmann is going to steal the entire movie, while Leslie Jones' Patty Tolan will probably be the most quotable. We already can't stop shouting, "THE POWER OF PATTY COMPELS YOU!"

Meanwhile, there's plenty to shut up the haters -- like Melissa McCarthy and Kristen Wigg's comedic chemistry in the "Let’s go!" scene. There's no denying that bit is funny! Plus, Chris Hemsworth as the sexy secretary. He may only makes a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance, but what can we say? We love a man in glasses.

Even though the preview made us experience stage-four nostalgia -- the piano riff on the theme at the beginning gave us chills -- it includes no cameos from the original cast (Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Sigourney Weaver). Well, except one...
Your eyes don't deceive you -- that’s Slimer, all right!
Ghostbusters hits theaters on July 15.
Speaking of the OG ‘Busters, check out this throwback to the 1984 premiere: