Chris Rock Calls Out Hollywood's Pay Gap: If Jennifer Lawrence Were Black, She'd Really Have Something to Comp

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The comedian calls out the pay discrepancies for women of color.

Chris Rock is bringing even more attention to the pay gap in Hollywood, and not just gender discrepancies.

As part of a the New Yorker's profile of Ghostbusters star Leslie Jones, the comedian says that women of color in Hollywood are having an even harder time getting fairly compensated.

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Rock -- who helped Jones get her job at Saturday Night Live -- called out Jennifer Lawrence's essay in Lena Dunham's Lenny newsletter, where she admitted feelings of self-loathing after it was revealed that she and Amy Adams were paid less than their male American Hustle co-stars.

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"Black women have the hardest gig in show business," Rock said. "You hear Jennifer Lawrence complaining about getting paid less because she's a woman -- if she was black, she'd really have something to complain about."

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Lawrence's essay led to several other celebrities speaking out about the pay gap in Hollywood, including her recurring co-star Bradley Cooper. "There's a double standard in the whole world, yeah, for sure. This is just one aspect," Cooper told ET. "Anytime there's a place where a voice can come out and be outspoken -- something Sienna did, or Jennifer -- that's great. ... I think it is making a difference."

Here's more of the actor's interview: