This Dad's Reaction to His Son Dressing as Elsa From 'Frozen' for Halloween Will Make Your Day


Three cheers for Paul Henson!

Fact: Any little kid dressed in a Frozen ensemble will be adorable. (Remember that girls’ softball team that was Frozen-themed? Adorable!)

That doesn’t just apply to girls, either. This is Paul Henson, a 28-year-old dad from Virginia, and his young son, Caiden. Cute.

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Recently, Paul took Caiden Halloween costume shopping and Caiden decided that he wants to be Elsa from Frozen for Halloween.

Again: This is objectively adorable.

“Anyone that knows us, knows we generally let Caiden make his own choices, to an extent,” Paul wrote. “Halloween is about children pretending to be their favorite characters. Just so happens, this week his is a princess.”

It’s enough to make you feel like a snowman in summer...

MORE: Here's What 'Frozen' Would’ve Been Like If Elsa Was the Villain

Caiden also wants Paul to dress as Anna, which he’s agreed to do. Still, he isn’t looking to be crowned dad of the year. “I'm not doing this for any recognition,” he says. “I want Caiden to know the extent I'll go to make him happy and that he's not alone. But I WILL NOT shave my legs.”

The post has been shared over 25,000 times, with pretty much all of the comments praising Paul’s parenting. “I love the support,” he writes. “I just didn't think it would be anywhere near this. It gives me slight hope, ya know?”


Now, here’s hoping he looks half as good in a dress as that uncle who wore a princess dress so his niece wouldn’t feel embarrassed when they went to see Cinderella. And for any haters out there?

Plus, a major Pixar fan theory was just shut down that might break your heart: