Jennifer Lopez & Casper Smart Hold Hands on Set of Her New Show

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J. Lo and Casper always seem to find each other!

Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart always seem to find each other!

The pair were snapped holding hands on the set of her new show Shades of Blue, a cop drama set to debut on NBC in early 2016.

PHOTOS: Hollywood's Most On-Again/Off-Again Couples

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An eyewitness tells ET that Casper spent all day on set, and the two went for a walk and looked like a happy couple.

J. Lo and Casper's seeming on again, off again nature has many wondering whether the pair are officially back together!

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In recent interviews, Lopez has been very reflective of mistakes she's made in her past relationships.

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"I always found my comfort in another person," she said in January. "Instead of giving myself time to heal and be on my own, I was so afraid to be that, I was always like, 'Okay somebody else just come in here and help me forget I'm in so much pain.' I was terrified of being alone." 

"Listen, at the end of the day, love is the best thing," she continued. "But what I've discovered is that I can't get that from somebody else. It's the love inside me, for myself, that will help me through."

Hopefully J. Lo figures it all out! It seems like her and Casper are making each other happy right now.

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