WTF does THOT mean BTW?
Moms and dads, teachers, coaches, anyone who encounters teens or young adults on a regular basis, we sympathize with you. We thought we were with it, when we knew OMG and BRB. But now, we don’t know what kids are saying half the time. You talk to a teen and leave thinking “WTF?” (because you know that one! Even though it’s naughty!)
No more. It’s time to decipher the youth speak. Here is a start:
1. Thot

What it means: Thot [thawt; noun] It’s actually an acronym that means “That Hoe Over There.” It can refer to anyone you don’t like or anyone who acts in a way you don’t agree with.
How to use it in a sentence: “Your Aunt Kim is acting like a real thot. She won’t email me back about Labor Day plans!”
2. Bae
What it actually means: Bae [b-aye; noun] Another acronym, standing for “Before Anyone Else.” Can be substituted in place of “babe” or “baby,” or to refer to someone sexy (“he’s the bae”).
How to use it in a sentence: “Your dad is my bae!”
3. Yaaaass
What it actually means: Yaaass [yaaaaaaaaah-s; exclamatory] Used in place of “Yes!” when someone is very excited. Can also be used to compliment someone when they look good or have done something good.
How to use it in a sentence: “Timmy! You took the trash out and I didn’t even have to ask you to! Yaaaaas, Timmy!”
4. Ratchet
What it actually means: Ratchet [rat-chet; adj.] Some claim it began as a mispronunciation of the word "wretched.” Either way, it is used to describe someone’s looks or behavior that is deemed as less than satisfactory.
How to use it in a sentence: “Suzie, the principal called me today because you were acting real ratchet in math class. Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
5. Shade
What it actually means: Shade [shay-d; noun] Most often expressed as “throwing shade” or “shaded.” When someone calls another out in public, they are “throwing shade.” When someone is put on blast, they are “shaded.”
How to use it in a sentence: “Mrs. Gugenherm on the PTA Board threw shade at me when I suggested we try a new fundraised this year.”
6. Basic Bitch
What it actually means: Basic bitch [bay-sick bitch; noun] Someone who is basic has zero personality -- the most boring of life’s pH scale. They like what the other basic bitches like, dress how the other basic bitches dress, and only associate with other basic bitches.
How to use it in a sentence: “Mrs. Gugenherm wants to do another bake sale. She’s such a basic bitch.”
7. Bad Bitch
What it actually means: Bad bitch [bad bitch; noun] A woman or man who doesn’t care what anyone else thinks and does what they want. Generally used as a compliment, as in someone who has had success or who isn’t afraid to speak his or her mind.
How to use it in a sentence: “Grandma is such a bad bitch!”
WATCH: A bunch of frat bros lip synced to Taylor Swift together!
8. Turnt
What it actually means: Turnt [turn-ht; sometimes styled turnT; adjective] To act crazy, have fun, be social, often in a party atmosphere or under the influence of alcohol. Can also be used for someone who acted too crazy (or got too turnT).
How to use it in a sentence: “I’m going over to Debbie down the street’s house. We’re going to open a bottle of white wine, eat some cheese and crackers, and get turnT!”
9. T-Up
What it actually means: T-up [tee - up; verb] The new “Turnt,” T-up is short for turn up.
How to use it in a sentence: “Aunt Pam and I are going to t-up at your cousin Beth’s wedding this weekend! There’s going to be champagne and a live DJ!”
10. DGAF
What it actually means: DGAF [dee-gaph; acronym] Short for “Don’t Give a F*ck.” Can be used as such in a sentence, or to express a general state of mind of being apathetic.
How to use it in a sentence: “I need you to stop acting so DGAF and finish your chores, Kyle. The cleaning lady is going to be here soon and this place can’t be a mess!”
11. AF
What it actually means: AF [acronym] Unlike in DGAF, where the AF stood for “a F*ck,” when used alone it stands for “as F*ck.” Usually to express how much of a feeling you are feeling (i.e. a lot).
How to use it in a sentence: “I’m excited AF to see you in your school play, Jane! You’re going to be the best Maria West Side Story has even seen!”
12. I Can’t Even
What it actually means: I can’t even [phrase] To express an unspeakable level of disbelief. Could be used in place of “I’m speechless,” or to express revulsion to a specific person or event.
How to use it in a sentence: “Mrs. Gugenherm wore a cheetah print wrap to mass this week and I just...I can’t even. Show a little respect. This is a place of worship.”
13. #blessed
What it actually means: #blessed [hashtag] It means blessed, but ironically.
How to use it in a sentence: “I got a 2-for-1 coupon for Hamburger Helper! #blessed”
14. #mcm/wcw
What it actually means: #mcm/wcw [hashtag] They stand for “Man Crush Monday” and “Woman Crush Wednesday,” a way to honor your significant other or crush on Instagram. Can also be used in a platonic manner for a friend, or someone you think is inspirational.
How to use it in a sentence: “I’m making your dad my #mcm for the third week in a row! And this week I’m going to make my #wcw Whoopi Goldberg from The View, because boy, is she a hoot!”
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15. FWB
What it actually means: FWB [noun; can also be said verbally like “fub-bie”] An acronym for “Friends With Benefits,” where the benefits are generally of the sexual variety (18+).
How to use it in a sentence: “Honey, I saw that boy Bobby commented on your Facebook page again. Is that your boyfriend? Are you FWB? Do we need to have the birds and bees talk again?!”
16. Sorry ‘Bout It
What it actually means: Sorry ‘bout it [sor-e bough-t it; phrase] Used when someone is, in fact, not sorry about it. Can also be expressed as “Sorry not sorry!”
How to use it in a sentence: “Did you do your homework? Then you can’t watch Two and a Half Men with us. Sorry ‘bout it!”
17. Bey
What it actually means: Bey [Bayh; proper noun] Short for Beyoncé, Queen B, King Bey, Mrs. Carter, a popular pop artist and the indisputable Michael Jackson of their generation.
How to use it in a sentence: “In my hip hop mommy class at the YMCA, we listened to this song by an singer called Bey and I thought it was so fun. Could you put that on my iTunes?”
18. “Bye, Felicia!”
What it actually means: Bye, Felicia! [buh-eye fuh-lee-sha; phrase] Originally featured in the 1995 film Friday, the phrase has picked up a new life via the millennials. “Bye, Felicia!” is used to dismiss anyone who is bothering and/or annoying you, or to someone you DGAF is leaving.
How to use it in a sentence: “I bumped into Mrs. Gugenherm at the grocery store today and she tried to talk me into buying organic cereal and I was just like, bye, Felicia! Regular Cheerios are fine for us.”
19. Any Emoji
What they actually means: Your guess is as good as ours!
How to use them in a sentence: Just slap a bunch on the end of your text. Who cares.