John Stamos Was Sick of Being Uncle Jesse


John Stamos invites a 31-year-old quadriplegic on stage to perform with The Beach Boys.

John Stamos went one-on-one with ET, and opened up about the popularity of Full House 25 years later.

Uncle Jesse himself even mentioned that he was sort of over being Uncle Jesse for awhile.

"For years I tried to distance myself from it, and I realized that was not going to happen," said Stamos, continuing, "now I look back at it so fondly."

These days, Stamos is happy to bring Uncle Jesse back! At a concert last week in Mississippi, John Stamos gave a 31-year-old quadriplegic fan the ultimate rockstar treatment by bringing him on stage to join the California rockers in a song.

Gerald Christian caught the eye of the Full House star turned honorary Beach Boy when Stamos noticed him in the front row singing along to every word.

"There was this handsome cool dude in a wheel chair, a quadriplegic, and he was singing along and I was watching him and he knew every word and he was so into the concert," Stamos recalls. "I said, 'You, kid, come on, get up here."

Stamos invited Christian on stage to sing the Beach Boys' hit Surfin' USA.

"He went back afterward and he said it was the greatest night of his life and than when he was on stage he didn't remember that he was a quadriplegic. He thought he was a rock star," Stamos says.

Watch the video below to see Gerald's rock star moment!

Stamos stars in the new movie My Man Is A Loser, in theaters this week and on demand starting July 25.