EXCLUSIVE: Meghan Trainor on Being Inspired by Britney Spears and *NSYNC, Her Hilarious Relationship Dealbreak

The 22-year-old pop star's sophomore album, 'Thank You,' is out May 20.

A lot has changed since Meghan Trainor first brought us the "Bass."

Two years after her debut single, "All About That Bass," took the pop music world by storm, the 22-year-old singer is back with her sophomore album, Thank You, out May 20.

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"It's more of the music that I enjoy," she tells ET. "I was afraid that I would be trapped as a doo-wop artist from that first album, so this one I wanted to prove that I can do more genres."

Trainor consciously hit on several different musical styles on Thank You, but felt particularly inspired by late '90s, early '00s pop hits. While writing Thank You's debut single, "No," Trainor says she thought: "What do I wish was still on the radio? And I was like, '*NSYNC, Destiny's Child, Britney Spears.'"

Also inspired by Spears: Trainor's adorable ode to her mom, appropriately titled "Mom."

"You know the Britney Spears song, 'Lucky'? Where it's like, a big bomb and then it has the, 'And here she is, it's Lucky!' I was like, 'I want one of those,'" she says. "So we called [my mom] up at work and I was just like, 'I love you, I love you so much. Just tell me you love me' and we recorded it and got it.'"

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"I texted her after and she's like, 'Ugh! I hate you!'" she added. "'Cause, you know, you hear your voice -- on a phone call especially -- and you're like, 'Is that what I sound like?' So she said, 'If this doesn't make the album, that's OK.' I was like 'Ma! It's gonna be on there.'"

The video for her current single, "Me Too," drew controversy after she pulled the original version down, demanding a re-edit because her waist had been photoshopped to look smaller. The self-love anthem is reflective of Trainor's own confidence these days.

"I've never done a photoshoot with my sleeves -- with my arms out," she confesses, speaking out on her stunning Seventeen magazine cover. "I feel pale, I'm insecure about them, you know? I don't show them a lot and if you know me as a fan, you know I don't take pictures with that. So, I loved this photographer and I told him, 'I will do this for you -- but I know you're gonna make this a cover 'cause this is a big deal.' Everyone in the room was like, 'She took her jacket off!'"

In the hilariously meta video for "Me Too," we see Trainor waking up and kissing her newly-acquired GRAMMY award by her nightstand. The singer tells us that she's actually since found a new home for the trophy.

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"It was next to my bed and then I moved it over to my dresser so that when I get up and I'm exhausted, I can look at it," she says, adding jokingly: "It's right in my face -- 'cause my dresser's my height -- and I just love being inspired while I get, like, my pants."

Trainor recently purchased her first home in Los Angeles, where she'll continue living with her two brothers and her best friend. "We all get our own rooms," she says. "That's a new thing for us."

Too bad, though, Trainor says she'll miss out on the housewarming party! The singer is set to hit the road on her Untouchable Tour with special guest Hailee Steinfeld beginning July 21.

Trainor says the tour will be "bigger, with more dancers and new songs, new routines -- and we're jumping this time. We're dancing a lot. It's gonna be great, I can't wait!"

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