The actresses are celebrating each other after winning the box office once again.
After winning the box office for the second straight weekend, the stars of Hidden Figures are celebrating each other.
“Shout out and tip of the hat to my sis @tarajiphenson,” Octavia Spencer captioned an Instagram pic of co-star Taraji P. Henson. “She tops the box office two weeks in a row.”
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After narrowly beating out Rogue One: A Star Wars Story during its opening weekend, Hidden Figures -- which tells the true story of the black female mathematicians and engineers that assisted some of NASA’s first manned space missions in the 1960s -- took a commanding win over the holiday weekend, grossing an estimated $26 million, according to
REVIEW: 'Hidden Figures': A Feel-Good Civil Rights Film That Is Exactly What We Need Right Now
“Now before people weigh in... yes, @janellemonae and I put in work on this film, and we gladly take our bows,” Spencer continued. “But, if this movie had tanked Taraji would have taken the flack because she is the lead. So, in the spirit of living the dream and advocating for my sisters, so proud of you, sis. Glad to be your wing woman.”
Henson was quick to share the love right back, praising Spencer for buying out a Los Angeles screening of the film to treat low-income families over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday weekend.
“This is how phenomenal this woman is,” she wrote on Instagram. “@therealoctaviaspencer bought out the movie theatre for TONIGHT'S 8pm showing of #hiddenfigures at Rave cinemas Baldwin Hills in Los Angeles California for poverty stricken families who want to see this movie with their children on #MLK day.”
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RELATED: Octavia Spencer Buys Out 'Hidden Figures' Screening for Less Fortunate Families in L.A.
Spencer and Henson’s co-star, Janelle Monáe, also celebrated the significance of the film hitting No.1 once again during the MLK Day holiday weekend.
“#HiddenFigures? is #1 on this MLK weekend! THANK YOU FOR HELPING MAKE THIS POSSIBLE,” Monáe captioned an Instagram pic of the movie poster.
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“Also, HUGE Congratulations to our fearless leader and the lead in this film @tarajiphenson for bringing us all along on this extraordinary ride!” she continued. “I am honored to stand along side your incredible talent and support you and the brilliant @therealoctaviaspencer! You all are my big sis' and HERoes 4 life. So happy and proud of you. No one more deserving.”
ET's Denny Directo spoke to Spencer and Monáe at the L.A. Promise Fund's screening of the movie for 10,000 students in Los Angeles last week, where the actresses marveled at the film’s success so far.
"I think it sends a message that we all have something to contribute," Spencer explained. "And it's not just about the three black women, it's about the fact that the computers wore skirts. It highlights the story of these three women but there were black and white women working behind the scenes that never got their dues. Hidden Figures is a way to celebrate them all."
See more in the video below.
EXCLUSIVE: 'Hidden Figures': Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, and JJ Abrams Talk Box Office Success