Emotions Run Wild In This New Trailer For Pixar's 'Inside Out'


Check out this look at the U.K. trailer for Pixar's upcoming animated feature 'Inside Out.'

After taking us under the ocean, through the forests of ancient Scotland and to infinity (and beyond), Disney Pixar is now taking us inside the human mind.

Inside Out
is the critically adored animation studio's latest attempt at making our cold hearts feel warmth and happiness again.

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The film follows Riley, a young girl struggling with her family's relocation from the Midwest to the big city of San Francisco.

Like everyone, Riley's feelings are determined by her emotions, and Inside Out gives a close-up look at those emotions in action.

Joy (Amy Poehler), Anger (Lewis Black), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Bill Hader) and Disgust (Mindy Kaling) have the unenviable job of guiding Riley through her tumultuous transition.

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Check out this UK trailer for Inside Out, which opens in America on July 19, 2015.

For more trailer reviews and movie news, you can follow Zach Seemayer on Twitter @ZachSeemayer.

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