13 Ways Will Smith Stole Our Hearts


He plays a sexy con man in Focus, but we've been hooked a long time.

He plays a sexy con man in Focus
, but we've been hooked a long time.

ET has your first look at the film’s trailer about sexy con man (Smith), who teaches the trade to a beautiful young woman, played by Margot Robbie. However, things get a little complicated when they get romantically involved. While Smith’s character breaks off the romance as soon as things get serious, the con game gets even more tricky when they find themselves on opposite sides of the same scam three years down the road.

Will had his breakout role in Fresh Prince of Bel Air in 1990, and the Oscar nominated-actor has been one of Hollywood’s hottest actors ever since. Here are 13 reasons he’s still the best:

1. He taught us the right way to put on glasses like a boss.

2. He’s still friends with Alfonso Ribeiro, and they haven’t forgotten their Fresh Prince roots. Here they are doing the Carlton on BBC’s Graham Norton Show in 2013.

3. Some of his movie quotes are so inspirational we could cry.

4. He’s always been great with kids.

5. In the words of P.Diddy, “Bad boys ain’t goin nowhere.”

6. Soccer may not be his thing, but he’s not afraid to give it a try anyways.

7. Even though he’s a serious actor, we will never forget that he used to kill it in the rap game.

8. When he buffs up for roles, it’s a picture of perfection.

9. On the playground is where he spent most of his days…

10. He isn’t afraid to express how much he loves his kids.

11. No one can mess with Will. Don’t even try it.

12. He dance skills span generations.

13. Like, really though. He knows all the moves.

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