Watch 'The Texas Chainsaw Massacre' Like You've Never Seen It Before

For it's 40th anniversary, the iconic horror film is being remastered and re-released.

40 years ago, Leatherface stalked the backwoods of Texas, scaring a whole generation of moviegoers in the iconic horror film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

In honor of its momentous anniversary, MPI/Dark Sky Films is rereleasing a fully restored and remastered version of the 1974 classic, and they've released an amazing, fully resorted trailer online.

The remastered version used the original 16mm footage shot for the movie, and converted it to 4K resolution, and the process was supervised by director Tobe Hooper.

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The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
was massively influential, and it's legendary serial killer Leatherface, played Icelandic actor Gunnar Hansen, has gone on to become one of the most recognizable villains in the pantheon of killer bad guys.

If you're a fan of horror, check out this amazingly well-restored trailer. But be warned, it's kind of gruesome, super scary, and probably NSFW.

Also, check out the release schedule, courtesy of Entertainment Weekly.

June 21
New York, Film Society of Lincoln Center

June 27
New York, IFC Center

June 27
Boston, Coolidge Corner

July 4
Richardson, TX, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

July 11
Portland, Hollywood Theatre
Houston, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Kalamazoo, MI, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Winchester, VA, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Washington, DC, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

July 18
Austin, TX, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema (Slaughter Lane)
Littleton, CO, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
Winston-Salem, NC, a/perture
Eugene, OR, Bijou Metro
Tulsa, OK, Circle Cinema

July 19
Yonkers, NY, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

July 25
Kansas City, MO, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema

July 25
Lubbock, TX, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
New Braunfels, TX, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema
San Antonio, TX, Alamo Drafthouse Cinema (Westlakes)
Nashville, TN, Belcourt

August 1
Seattle, WA, SIFF Cinema

ETonline Streaming: Keep Watching