Former Golden Globes Hosts Jimmy Fallon & Ricky Gervais Share Messages for Seth Meyers

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The comedians tweeted their support for Meyers ahead of the big night.

No pressure, Seth!

Before he takes the stage at the 75th Golden Globes, host Seth Meyers got a little support from some hosts of ceremonies past.

Jimmy Fallon tweeted, "Can’t wait for tonight @goldenglobes. @sethmeyers is going to crush! #GoldenGlobes."

Controversial and notoriously rough host Ricky Gervais was surprisingly kind to Meyers as well (with a hint of sarcasm of course).

"@sethmeyers Have an absolute blast tonight at The #GoldenGlobes and please treat the industry with the respect it deserves," he wrote.

He posted the tweet along with a clip of his last hosting gig in 2016, where he scolded the audience to "shut up, you disgusting, pill-popping, sexual deviant scum."

Meyers certainly has a tough rope to walk at the first big awards show of the season. He spoke with ET's Carly Steel at the Golden Globe Awards Preview Day in Los Angeles on Thursday, where he offered insight into how he'll be balancing the usual honoring of film and television, with the very real conversation happening in the entertainment industry regarding sexual harassment and misconduct.

"We're just having a constant discussion about it," the 44-year-old TV host revealed, adding, "Luckily, we have a show every night that approaches that," referencing the often political nature of his late-night show, especially since Donald Trump became president.

"[The show] tries to talk about the news, tries to also make jokes about it while understanding the things we're talking about aren't always funny, so it'll be a balance in trying to get the tone right," he said.

"Also, [we will be] trying to remember that even though it was a really difficult year, people did great work," Meyers explained. "Through that difficulty, you want to make sure that you also celebrate that as well."

For more on the Golden Globes, watch the video below!


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