Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss Are 'Vogue' Cover Girl Besties


Taylor Swift and Karlie Kloss are on top of the world.

Have you ever seen a more photogenic pair of BFFs?

After months of rumors that Taylor Swift and her bestie, supermodel Karlie Kloss, were getting their own Vogue cover together, the high-fashion magazine finally unveiled their highly anticipated March 2015 cover on Friday.

And it definitely doesn't disappoint. Check out the two statuesque blondes giving fierce stares, both clad in sequin Louis Vuitton minidresses.


VIDEO: Taylor Swift's Top Besties, Ranked

In the gorgeous accompanying photoshoot, the two go on an epic road trip, much like the real-life one they took to Big Sur last March.

Introduced by Victoria's Secret model Lily Aldridge, the two say their friendship was pretty instantaneous.

"We were just like, 'You. My friend. Now,'" the 25-year-old pop star jokes. "People had been telling us for years we needed to meet. I remember makeup artists and hair people going, 'Doesn't she remind you of Karlie? God, she and Karlie would be best friends. They're the same. Karlie's such a good girl.'"

"We're both normal people," the 22-year-old supermodel says of how the two bonded so quickly.

But Taylor does admit that her well-known eagerness to make friends stems from a childhood spent feeling like an outcast.

"I have lots of issues from school," she candidly tells Vogue. "You can tell, probably."

Though these days, Taylor has no shortage of A-list gal pals including Lorde, Selena Gomez and Lena Dunham. The "Style" singer says this came from a conscious decision to "pull the plug" on her love life thanks to intense media scrutiny on her famous relationships.

"I was really irritated by the whole serial-dater play that people tried to make about me," she stresses. "I just decided I wasn’t willing to provide them that kind of entertainment anymore. ... I wasn't going to sit next to somebody and flirt with them for five minutes, because I know the next day he’ll be rumored to be my boyfriend. I just kind of took the narrative back. It's unfortunate I had to do that. And it's unfortunate that now I have this feeling like if I were to open myself up to love, that would be a career weakness."

Still, she definitely doesn't regret her new approach to life.

"This last year has felt very different than any other year of my life," she says. "I've felt more settled and unapologetic about who I am and what I stand for. I think that might be one of those symptoms of growing up and becoming your own person, and depending less on other people's opinions of you. I just hope that keeps going -- because I'm liking it."

PHOTO: Is This a Picture of Karlie Kloss and Taylor Swift Making Out?

ET caught up with Taylor at the GRAMMYs, when she admitted that men get her "in trouble." Watch below!