Busy Philipps Drunk Dyes Michelle Williams' Hair Pink Because Friendship Is a Special Thing -- Watch!

michelle williams busy phillips friend pic

True friends wine and dye each other, as these celebrity besties showed at Paris Fashion Week!

True friends wine and dye!

Busy Philipps and Michelle Williams have shown us over and over how much they truly love each other as BFFs, but it wasn't until their hotel room shenanigans at Paris Fashion Week that we got to see how strong their trust in one another is.

On her Instagram Story earlier this week, Philipps' dyed her friend's hair pink, as they both laughed, smiled -- and sipped wine.

You can see the beautiful madness unfold below.

busyphilipps on Instagram Story

“Guys, I'm putting the pink in. I am massaging the pink into the little pixie’s hair," Philipps play-by-played her fans. "Michelle’s hair is going to be perfectly millennial pink."

After it was all over, she reassured Williams, "It's f**king beautiful."

Now they share everything, including hair color! Philipps has been rocking the pink locks since May, and has often shown off the bold bright style on Instagram.

Now, if we can only have something like the celebrity best friendship they have, we'll pretty much be all set for life.

Meanwhile, it's good to see Philipps up and so jovial following her scary hospitalization for an ovarian torsion after celebrating Williams' birthday. 

Watch the video below.